Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earth Day II

Having Mel at the RV doctor yesterday precluded any Earth Day activities for the team, so we decided this morning that it was Earth Day II.. The purpose of the activity was to relocate all the earth that had settled in various flat spots around Mel back to the outside. This was a serious endeavor and required a supporting cast of Toilet wands, sponges, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, Pledge furniture polish and the vacuum  cleaner and a liberal dose of elbow grease. Hail to Mother Earth, most of her in now back outside where she belongs.

Yesterday on my trip to Walmart I bought a new Schick Hydro razor and was delighted to find a $3.00 coupon in the package for refill blades. The joy was short lived though when I turned over the coupon and it had expired on 1/1/2013. I am now going to work on emailing Schick to see what they would like to do to restore my confidence in their shattered image. Results to follow.

Other than the Schick quest very little is on tap for the day other than enjoying the good life.


  1. I guess that package of razors had been sitting on the shelf somewhere for years. Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't a loaf of bread.

    1. No it wasn't, but I've found most Walmart bread is pretty close to expiration by the time it gets to the shelves.

  2. That's the razor that I use and I have found the blades to be very expensive, even at SAM's Club. I have also found that about week 2 the blade appears to be getting dull, but improves if you continue to use it and will last another week or two. Good luck with the coupon, sounds like WalMart is not rotating their stock!

    1. I've got a backup electric, but I still prefer a blade. I didn't see any blade that were cheap any more, so we'll see how this test works out. I can always go back to my Mach 3.

  3. Replies
    1. Those dern things are like dust magnets. I can't imagine what PaT will look like in the fall.

  4. I like the idea of Earth Day 11 Good job on the house cleaning.
    As for the car uck it's pretty bad brought that dirt all the way from Tucson.

    1. Rearranging the earth by moving it around. Thanks for contributing Jo.


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