Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good one.

Last nights show was, as expected, a good one. The Young Family Band has changed it's name and has now become 1 More Rd. Band. The name change didn't effect the music and with another year under their belt the quality of their performance has improved. An excellent show, enjoyed by all.

Judy, hiding behind the mic.

The Young family. L to R Kathy (mom), Amanda, Haley, Faith, Nathan, Steve (dad) and Clint. Having come from a family of eight I can imagine the fun a family of seven has traveling around the country in their bus.

A little cutting up on stage.

Tonight's entertainment will be an Indiana basketball game on the road at Minnesota., another big test. The rest of today will be spent getting out and visiting now that the wind has died down and we can better enjoy the good life.


  1. While we were having breakfast the rain started this morning and hasn't stopped. Thinking of taking the inflatable kayak out of the basement soon. Might be needing it in order to continue Enjoying the Good Life! Be Safe!

    It's about time.

  2. I come from a big family. Our family would not be so big if you packed us up on a bus together! First, my older twin sisters would be dumped to the side of the road, then...then...then.. ;-)

    1. I'm surprised we had survivors after all us were paced into a nine passenger station wagon for a trip from NE Missouri to Huston. I'm not sure, but I think we were drugged.

  3. Dad and Mom had 3 of us,,,then later, decided to have 3 more,,,no one knew whose was whose,,,lololol. We, Mom and I,,had 2 about the same time.. was so much fun.

  4. Big family with big talent = Big Happy Family.

    Yes the weather has improved. shhh don't say it to loud.

  5. Replies
    1. I was able to spend about an hour visiting with them today. Very interesting life style.

  6. Wow a family of seven traveling together in a bus. Bet they have a lot of stories to share of their adventures on the road.

    I could not help but smile when you mention that you think your parents drugged you all on the long trip to Houston :D

    1. There's really no other explanation on how we survived that trip.

  7. Brave family of seven touring the country in a bus with one bathroom... :cO

    1. And 4 are of the female persuasion. Having grown up with 4 sisters I can attest to this as a problem.

  8. I just can't believe all the entertainment you end up having at that park. It's not just the entertainment but you also find time to go! Good for you!


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