Saturday, April 24, 2010

A trip to the bridge

This morning it was decide another trip to the English Village and the London bridge to scope out all the weekend activity. It was also decided the best time to do this was before the sun got too far above the horizon and started removing bodily fluids by the process of evaporation. So we caught the Havasu Area Transit (HAT) bus and took a ride downtown. A stop at Dennys was in order to stoke the furnace and then for the next couple of hours I played the part of a tourist.
The first thing noticed was the wall to wall arrangement of boats.
Everywhere there was space available there were boats.
I got another look at London Bridge.
And saw more boats.
Apparently the object is buy a nice, expensive boat, park it on the beach and spend the rest of the day sitting and looking at other boats. This is the riverwalk at 9 am, imagine what it will look like when it gets busy.
For those who like a slower pace they even have a gondola for rent complete with a serenading gondolier.

I have now returned to Mel for the balance of the day, having successfully avoided sun stroke and the crowds of the afternoon. The rest of today will be spent camped out in the shade enjoying the good life.

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