Saturday, February 23, 2013

More Music

Last night we had more entertainment in the person of the Sherwin Linton and his wife Pam and their show with a tribute to Johnny Cash. I had seen them a few years ago in Zapata and they put on a terrific show.

Our official starter, Judy, gets things going.

Pam, Sherwin and Dick.

The parks own Wes Thibodeaux joined in for a few tunes. This is probably the first time in history a band from Minnesota had an accordion and it wasn't playing a polka. 

Dick does a few songs as Walter Brennan and he was spot on. Another great show at J-5.

This morning I had breakfast with my friends from Zapata who made the trip down to the Valley. I hope they fare better this time. The last two trips have put Harley and then Roger in the hospital.

The rest of the day goes into weekend mode with some round ball and some relaxation. Just another wat to enjoy the good life.


  1. YEA...the sun just came out. Now the day is complete for enjoying the good life.

  2. Replies
    1. It doesn't stop. Looking forward to getting on the road to travel and rest.

  3. Have a great weekend. I was planning on a little hike but then just heard the weather and the wind is going to be strong. Guess I can do some shed work instead.

    1. I still think it's time for your weather to improve. I plan to head west when I leave here and the weather needs to get a lot better.

  4. You just go, go, go. All this entertainment is going to eventually wear you down.


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