Friday, February 15, 2013

Days adventure

This morning started out with a trip to the doctor to check progress on the weight loss program. Blood pressure was 117/84 and weight loss was 6 pounds in two weeks. After a brief pep talk I was sent packing for another month.

Now that I'm back in the park I don't see too much activity at present. I guess I'll have to walk around and stir things up. Nothing on the schedule of park activities for the day either.

I suppose I will just have to spend the day working myself into the weekend mode. This will help me to enjoy the good life.


  1. Oh no...nothing going on in the park? Doesn't sound like you are in the right park.

  2. Wow, those are excellent blood pressure numbers! Not even with my medications is my that low.

    Double kudos on the weight loss!

  3. Congrats on the blood pressure. You must be doing something right. Maybe you've been releasing all the little life stresses by going to all those parties.

    1. That's probably what's doing it. We should all party more and be healthier.

  4. Great job. Wish I could loose 6lbs . Of course that means I would have to quit eating for awhile.

  5. Don't worry about those lost pounds, John...I found them!

  6. Congrats! doing a fine job on the weight thing can you do some for me? Keep up the good work.

    1. Just made a dent Jo, might be awhile before I can help anyone else.

  7. Nice blood pressure numbers, John. That's what comes from watching your teams win! The lost pounds are an obvious result of keeping up with your whirlwind social life. Good job all around!

    1. You think if they start losing the numbers might go the other way?


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