Saturday, December 1, 2012

Road trip

 This morning I was on the road at 7 am for the two hour trip to my old stomping grounds in Zapata. Today is the monthly flea market which is a wonderful time to catch a lot of people in one place and visit with them. It worked out well and I did have the opportunity to visit with more than 20 old friends. The only problem was so many friends, so little time. I also had to take another look at the lake. It is hard to believe how little water is in the lake.

Two years ago standing in the very spot this picture was taken from I would have been in ankle deep water and the boat dock would have been over my head. The other side of the water is Mexico. This just illustrates how little water is in the Rio Grande.

From approximately the same location on 12/14/2010.

I returned to the park about 3:30 and had time to Visit with Don and Patt for awhile. Now it's time to kick back and spend the rest of the day watching football while enjoying the good life.


  1. That is a sad photo. When we were in San Angelo, it was just as sad. They said they only have abut 1/10 the water. Need rain badly here in Houston also.
    Good game on..Bama vs GA. Go GA!

    1. The lake it is pretty sad sight.
      About the Bama/GA game I can't pick sides because I suspect ND is going to play one for the National Championship.

  2. Since I'm in GA, I suppose I should root for them if football was a part of my good life. :)

    1. Seems like you have enough other wonders to occupy your good life. I love your pictures.

  3. Maybe you can find some fuzzy dice to hang on your car's mirror to enhance the woodgrain. :c)

    1. I saw some the other day and had to remind myself of my actual age.

  4. Your photos illustrate so well the vagaries of mother nature. The rains will come eventually and the river will fill up again...maybe not this year, but hopefully the cycle will repeat.

    I'm rooting for ND in the title game. That was quite the ending to GA and 'Bama.

    1. I'm sure the cycle will continue, but this as low as Falcon lake has been since the dam closed in the early 50's.

      Go Irish.

  5. It's sure sad to see the water level of the lakes going down. I hate to wish for rain but some of those lakes need lots of it.

    1. It's going to take a lot of rain and snow pack to make this recovery.

  6. If enough rain came to fill it, I'd not want to be there because it would have to be a really flooding rain!! Although yes, we do need rain, I am kind of enjoying a drier winter so far...well, if you could call this winter?

    1. We have to sort of keep our tongue in cheek down here when we talk of winter.

  7. It is so sad to see how low the lakes are. And even here is very dry right now. The mountains are not getting any snow which will make for a high fire danger. Lets hope it turns around soon.
    Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday and very enjoyable

  8. Thanks SJ. Those pics are important info for my planning on travels next Jan. Keep up the hard work and endeavors.

    1. I figured you would be able to relate to the pictures. The fishing report is really bad. Even the pro guides have shut down operations.


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