Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thursday part III

After we pulled out of Fort Craig we headed just a few miles south to the El Camino Real Heritage Center which celebrates the El Camino Real de Tierra Adento or the Royal Road to the Interior Land. This 1,500 mile road was the main route from Mexico City to Santa Fe and points north. Arriving in El Paso in 1598 and Santa Fe in 1603 the road opened up colonization of New Mexico and was  an important road for over 300 years. The museum relates the history of this important and historic road.

A carreta (cart) here shown with an ox supplying the power, in truth most of these were pulled with people power.

An illustration of a plaza found both in Mexico and New Mexico.

An illustration of stone work.

A beautiful hand carved cross.

Relics from the trail.

A burro and his load.

Some typical trail supplies.

A trail side cathedral.

A really old wooden saddle. I hope it's splinter proof or it could make for a long journey.

An example of Spanish architecture.

More examples.

This is the view fro the patio/observation deck overlooking the Rio Grande river valley. This is looking toward the northern end of the Jornada del Muerto the hardest 90 miles of the entire journey.

Loren and I had a busy day Thursday, but it was very informational and enjoyable. Today is race day and baseball day so the TV will be running in overdrive, but I plan to enjoy the good life.


  1. I wonder if back then thay called it living the "Good Life"

    1. A 90 mile trip through a desert with no water and Apache Indians wouldn't have met my definition of the "good life".

  2. Looking at that saddle, splinters would be the last thing I'd worry about. I wonder how riders could ever father children after time spent in that saddle... ;c)

  3. Replies
    1. The skills of the craftsman are amazing. It takes a special talent to do work like that.

  4. Thank you for Part III.
    Like the others mentioned that saddle could have caused lots of problems.
    John Thank You for your Service to our Country.

    1. Thanks Jo, although my service more was like a paid vacation compared to what some endured, I was proud to serve.


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