Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Things have finally calmed down around here and we have the start of a beautiful day. I just hope we can keep this going for a few days. Work continues around the park as the owners continue to remove the remains of yesterdays wind damage. What still surprises me is this pretty little park that is close to two major highways has no more people in it than the five units that have been here all week. Four of the units are locals and then there is me.

This morning was clean up time for Mel. With the time I spent indoors because of the weather I decided to go on and clean things up a bit while I could and before I needed to rent a front end loader to do the job. This afternoon I'm going to be working on a book that I purchased in Hannibal the other day while recovering the energy I expended this morning. Pacing oneself is a part of enjoying the good life.


  1. glad the weather has calmed down and a good book it always a treat. Enjoy!

  2. Right you are about campgrounds being short of rigs. When we stopped in Moses Lake, WA and told the lady in the office that we were going across the US and back she thanked us a bunch for spending the time and money to do that. She said that the numbers of campers are way down this year as well as across the country.
    I guess the economy is taking it's toll. At least we (you and me) are doing our part ;-)


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