Saturday, March 26, 2011

A pattern

The weather seems to have developed a pattern around here. At night the temperature is dropping to around 70 degrees and the humidity rises to the high 80% range. The result is the morning is very humid and the sun doesn't break through until about noon. Then the temperature zooms into the 90's as the humidity works it's way down to the 60% range. This has been the case for the last week and it necessitates most activity to be limited to the morning hours or in the evening after the sun goes down. The rest of the day is devoted to sitting and sweating which I guess is another form of multi-tasking.

Today I plan on watching some basketball while attempting not to overheat. Overheating is not a way to enjoy the good life.


  1. Hi John,
    I have been reading your posts for a while and wondered what happened after you left the "bad" trailer park. You know, the one where they sold you gallons of electricity and kilowatts water. I have managed an RV park before. 91% of management was just common sense.

  2. Ah, Michael, the key is common sense. Right after I left they apparently raised the rent another $50.00 and irritated more folks. I have found a new winter home in Falfurrias, Texas.

  3. Hey John,

    I guess you will just have to join us at Cedar Cove, EB, NM next winter. 160.00 a month, no humidity, great friends and lots a laughs!

  4. Debbie, you forgot to mention the snow and freezing temperatures.


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