Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dinner out

This morning has been a busy one. One of the permanent residents got a new computer and requested my assistance in getting it out of the box and setup. The computer itself was of the new breed of desktop computers that is about the size of a hat box. The only problem we had in getting setup was that the 21" monitor was dead on arrival. We were able to use the old monitor to get everything set and all she will have to do is swap monitors when the replacement arrives. 

After this was done I was invited to a farewell lunch by my wonderful next door neighbors, Harley and Annis. We ate at the Steak House which just opened in their new location a couple of weeks ago. Originally scheduled to open on Thanksgiving, they opened only 3 months late, which is timely for south Texas. Everyone around here are charter members of the Procrastinators Club and an meeting is planned for whenever they get around to it, just like grand openings. The food was great and the company was even better.

Since I've had such a busy morning this afternoon will be spent at leisure waiting for the warm up so we can fully enjoy the good life.

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