Saturday, June 5, 2010

How hot is it

That is the question of the day or more so, how hot will it get. Right now at 9:30 am local time it is 97 degrees after an overnight cool down to only 87 degrees. Extreme measures have been taken to keep cool. The first was closing off the bedroom and diverting all of the air conditioning to the front room. Second was erecting a barrier between the living area and the drivers compartment. All this is in an effort to maximize the effectiveness of the air conditioner that is already cycling every couple of minutes. I expect by this afternoon the air will be running continuously in attempt to keep things reasonably comfortable in here. 

Today, as you can imagine, will be spent indoors watching TV and being a real couch potato. There is no point in stepping outside, that I can see, as a way of enjoying the good life.


  1. WOW John,
    I just got caught up on you. Us single guys need to schedule better so we can be near some help at times like you are having.Good luck to you. Barney

  2. Thanks Barney, the medical care is fine just wish I'd chosen a cooler location to have it done.


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