Saturday, March 1, 2008

More Pictures

It is a rain filled day here in Zapata. We have had over ten drops of rain an it was enough to actually wet the pavement. For Zapata that's a deluge. Tonight we are going for ribs, haven't done that for awhile and I'm looking forward to them. Here are some more of the pictures of Old Guerrero.

This is a house on the edge of town and one of the better examples of how the houses were painted.

This is a row of houses. You can tell the different houses by the break in the roof line. Most of the backyards were walled and the big door in the far house was a portico to the backyard. This allowed the residents to take their animals and wagons to the backyard for safekeeping.

This was the old hotel. joe told us the upstairs were sleeping rooms and there was a ballroom on the first floor and it was a first class hotel.
This was the meat market. The plaza would have had carts with produce and fruits around it. We were told that because there was no electricity when a person had a goat, pig or cow to slaughter word was spread around town and everyone would come on butchering day to buy what they wanted. It had to be eaten that day as there was no way to preserve it.

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