Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Busy day

It's been a busy day around the park. Two awnings were installed, one park model was prepared for moving out and another space was prepared for a park model coming in Friday. All of this activity has worn the park sidewalk superintendents plum slick. Most everything was finished in good order though. I had to break away about 2 pm when my new satellite dish arrived. Some assembly was required and a little calibration and things are working just like they should. This is the last of the equipment I have ordered and when the one doctors and the one dentist appointment are completed I will be ready to roll. Tomorrow I will do a setup and get everything in place and then take it down for storage. I want to organize and optimize the space available.

The rest of the day will be spent relaxing with maybe another walk around the park. This has been a busy day for enjoying the good life.


  1. Busy is not suppose to be a word in the retired vocabulary.
    Are you going to take a picture and share your new set up.

    1. I use the word without regard to what it means. Plan on pictures when it's all set up for travel.

  2. That supervising really can wear a person out. Maybe you can relax a little more tomorrow.

    1. I sure hope so, it's tough when there is more than one project going on at a time.

  3. How big is the satellite dish? Getting ready for this trip sounds so exciting!

  4. You made me tired. I made sure I had an easy day as planned.
    But you sure are working out everything for this adventure.

  5. Any idea in what direction you will head? Hope our paths cross at some point this summer.

    1. I'm going west. Could see you at the Grand Canyon.

    2. Hope so. Excited about the Grand Canyon. It is on my bucket list.

  6. You have to find something to do after all the entertainment leaves the park. Looks like you're in charge of checking out the neighbors and all the new gadgets they are getting installed.


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