Saturday, March 30, 2013

Trip planning

The method I'll be using to find my way across the country will start with the atlas.

I'll be looking to travel about 100 miles a day (a bit farther out west where towns are a bit further apart).

Then the days destination will be entered into the GPS.

After which a search will be made at my destination for local attractions.

Once the list is presented I will select what looks interesting and head there to check it out.

All of this will be with a western orientation in mind as I look for ways to enjoy the good life.


  1. Your starting to sound like Kathy planning every detail of our trips Maybe I'll appreciate it more as time goes by. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. My trip planning starts at 8 am and goes until 5 pm, one day at a time is as far into the future as I look.

  2. Don't forget to look up Oregon in your atlas. Put in a destination of Eugene. Call us when you get here.

    1. Thanks Russ, you on the list if I get in the neighborhood.

  3. But what happens to your plans if the GPS gives up the ghost?

  4. You are just about ready to hit the road. looks like you have thought about everything.

    Happy Easter and safe travels.

    1. Happy Easter to you two and safe travels on your journey towards home.

  5. Have a Happy Easter!
    Safe travels and enjoy all you see.


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