Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wind alert

The wind that every one promised when I moved over here to Riviera has arrived and we are under a wind alert. The skies are overcast and winds are going to be gusting to 35 mph today. The sun has hidden itself from view, so even with the temperature at around 75 it doesn't seem overly warm with the leaf shaker that's blowing. I guess today's activity will be limited to holding my hat on.

This morning I reviewed my flag counter that I installed on January 1st and found that, so far, the blog has been visited by 47 countries. I have also accumulated 49 of 51 U.S. flags, the 51st flag in their count is the District of Columbia. Today's exercise may be an attempt to figure out which two states are missing. That would be a worthy endeavor for my day off.

Like I said today will be a day off, even the retired need to rest at some time. That is all part of enjoying the good life.

1 comment:

  1. I understand about the wind, it blew here for 3 days and the air was thick with dust and sand. We finally got some rain last night and hopefully it settled all that mess back down to the ground. Everyone is coughing and sneezing.


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