Saturday, February 19, 2011

Off to a good start

This morning started with a marine layer (fog), but it quickly dissipated and we are now under broken clouds with the temperature climbing. The weekend activity is in full force in the park and the adjacent county park.  This morning there were several yard sales being held on site. No bargains were acquired, but it was fun to look for stuff I couldn't live without.

Then it was a walk on down to the water to see what was going on there.

The boat ramp was getting a workout.

The jetty has attracted some fish feeders.

The fishing pier had also attracted a fair number of folks.

The birds were soaring around in search of breakfast.

On the way back from the water another gnarled tree was observed in the county park that cried out to have its picture taken.

This afternoon will be spent enjoying the gulf breeze and watching the world pass by while enjoying the good life.


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