Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Angry skies

Last night about sunset the skies became very angry and threatening and the wind picked up just a bit. We knew we were in for a real blow or so we thought. Some interesting patterns were observed and capture by Mr. Canon for you to see.
The last picture shows what we saw coming our way just before stepping inside the shelter of Mel.
The net result from this ferocious looking sky was about 10 drops of rain. A very good example of the bark being worse than the bite.

Yesterday half of the mail we were expecting arrived so todays major event is again watching for the mail to arrive. Once we have the mail in hand laundry will be next on the agenda. Then we will be set to leave when the temperatures moderate a bit in Zapata. Today will be spent locating a different route to Zapata and enjoying the good life.


  1. John I am in Del Rio as a result of dodging awful weather this morning.

  2. That's probably what came through here last night, just gathering strength.

  3. The pictures were beautiful. Hope all is ok with you.


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