Friday, April 16, 2010

Walk to the bridge.

This morning I did it, I made the 3 mile round trip to the London Bridge and back. I don't know how they did it, but they made the trip uphill both ways. I did go early enough that the temperatures weren't too bad and so I was able to keep the body leakage to a minimum. Actually the area is pretty interesting. They have a river walk under the bridge with lots of things to see and do.
One of many pictures I took of the bridge.
The area under the bridge and along the river is laid out like an English village with shops and restaurants and lots of boat rental places.
This is the dedication plaque for the statue to the city founders.
These are the founders.
The friendship sign.
A view from the top of the bridge.

I have more pictures that I will share tomorrow. In the meantime the rest of  today will be spent waiting for feeling to return to my feet. It can be said that touring historical sites is just another way to enjoy the good life.

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