Monday, March 3, 2014

3/2/2014 - 3/3/2014

Another up day for the Hoosiers as they defeated another powerhouse rival in Ohio State. Once more they win one that they shouldn't. 

Not much else going on as we await the other shoe to drop weather wise.

The other shoe not only dropped, it stomped. Yesterdays 95 is this mornings 37 degrees. with 100% humidity and 15 mile per hour winds I believe this is a day not to be enjoyed, but tolerated until something better comes along.

Tonight was entertainment night and we got to see CrossStrung a family group from Utah. Here is a sample of their work.

The Family, 3 sisters, a husband and mom.

Husband and wife play together.

The family's idea of how to play Twister Everyone helping everyone else.

Once again J-5 comes through with top name entertainment and it's no wonder CrossStrung won Bluegrass band of the year for 2014 in the Rio Grande Valley.


  1. They deserved to beat OSU. We looked terrible!
    I have never heard of CrossStrung. I'll have to see if Leisure Valley has ever had them. Glad they were so good.

  2. That place does have some of the best entertainment. They were really good.

    1. We had a little blue grass, Celtic and country. Good show.

  3. That's one family that can sure 'nuff fiddle around!

  4. You're having entirely too much fun with all the're going to wear the toe outta your shoe from all that toe tapping. :c)

    1. I keep an extra pair just in case. It is a lot of fun though.

  5. John, I'm surprised you didn't get up there with them and do an Irish jig! That would have gotten everybody clapping for sure!!

    1. It's hard to clap when you're doubled over with laughter which is what would happen if I put my two left feet on display.


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