Thursday, September 5, 2013


After 6 years and 2,405 posts I woke up last night and asked myself why. What purpose does the blog serve in my life? You know, I didn't have a real good answer, so I have decided to suspend the blog and see how I feel after a few weeks of not posting. Thanks for following along and so long for now.



  1. I certainly understand. I did that once after doing daily blogs for a while. Why? Then, I started again but it's kind of for my own expression. I read blogs but don't comment as often as I used to. It's kind of like breaking an addiction. Good luck and hopefully we'll hear from you down the road.

  2. Well... I'm still enjoying posting on my blog, but after six years? I don't know if I'll still be as enthusiastic.

    I hope you keep your blog open and we'll keep you on our blogrolls. Then when you have something you want to post, we'll still get it automatically, and you'll still be documenting the things you want.

    Stay safe, and I hope we'll hear from you from time to time. :)

  3. I've enjoyed your blog. So I'm not going to delete you off my blog reader list and maybe, hopefully you will return one day.

  4. Good luck, safe travels. We'll leave the link active in Feedly, just in case you have a postscript or two to add to your internet age legacy.


  5. I often think the same thing and have actually only posted on my blog a few times this summer. Wishing you safe and enjoyable travels and we will keep you on our list for the future!

  6. I sent you an email explaining how the entire universe will implode and cease to exist if you quit blogging.

  7. We sure enjoyed riding along with you. Now you can enjoy more of the good life.

  8. 16 innings of baseball the previous night probably made your thinking "foggy"....

    No matter what you decide, "We'll keep a light on for ya"

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Well, John, while I'm sure you can continue enjoying the good life without us, I'm not so sure we will enjoy the good life quite as much without your posts.

    Do what's best for you, but remember, you still have lots of friends out here in Cyberland.

    Good luck...and keep enjoying life...


  11. Sometimes we all need a break but if you think that you don't have anything to write about your wrong. Be Safe and Enjoy the Good Life we'll be watching for you.

    It's about time.

  12. I'm sorry to hear this. This was a way for your younger sister to make sure things were ok with you. Please send us a note now and then so we know you are good.

  13. OH NO! What will I do know? But I do understand sometimes there just doesn't seem to be anything to say if you aren't on the move like me right now. I sure will miss you. Stay safe on the road and keep enjoying the good life. And too will keep you on my roll.

  14. You're still going to be on my blogroll so if you feel like posting, we'll be here. You will be missed.

  15. I can certainly understand where you are coming from and respect your decision.

    Hopefully you will continue to update us from time to time. Best of luck to you!

  16. I enjoy your posts and your sense of humor, but I have been asking myself the same thing. I love my blog books as a history of our journeys, but when I am out on a trip and want to play, I have to wonder why I am taking time to write a blog and then go try and find internet so I can publish it. Can;t say that it's a great idea!! Good luck, hope you check back once in a while anyway.

  17. Enjoyed reading your blog, safe travels my friend. We will keep the light on if you ever return.

  18. I enjoyed the ride and your humor!

  19. Enjoy the break, but please don't leave us! :-(


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