Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jackpot Nevada

Last night I ended up 2 miles from the Idaho state line in Jackpot Nevada which was the last chance for me to donate to the cause. I missed out and the evil machines claimed none of my fortune.

Shortly after arriving for the night I had an interesting next door neighbor arrive. They arrived with a shredded trailer tire that was beyond the ability of duct tape to repair.

This is just after the repair was finished and they are ready to roll again. Travis Tillery is a professional motocross racer and was traveling with his parents and girlfriend to a race this Saturday in Washington state. They were very interesting to talk with.

Todays plan is to wander back east into northern Utah to see what we can find interesting over that way. Just more of enjoying the good life. 


  1. I usually give away a few bucks to the casino, I will throw a dollar in a big dollar slot. The ones that are usually near the front door or the restrooms. Have fun exploring. As long as you are heading North, you should keep going and visit Alaska.

  2. Golden Spike Monument is a great stop in northern UT. I think you're right - duct tape just might not work on that tire.

    1. You got me, that's where I'. heading. See great minds do think alike.

  3. it would have required copious amnonts of black duct tape to rig it least they know to fix tires! so, does that mean it got re-tired?

    1. Yeah, it was beyond duct tape. Good thing they had a spare.

  4. I didn't think there was such a thing as a jackpot in Nevada, other than the one casinos always promise but nobody ever wins.

    Duct tape a tire? That's a waste of good duct tape! :cD

    1. Jackpot is just an advertising gimmick.
      You need to check the duct tape manual, just one of the many uses.

  5. I hate flat tires.
    You kept all your money again not a bad day.

    1. After my blowout last year I'm not real fond of flast either.
      My fortune is still in my change purse.

  6. How can you not take a chance in a place called Jackpot? Oh dear, I feel you just missed out on your millions.

    1. The ones running the town are the ones hitting the jackpot. I think there are 10 casinos just waiting for folks from the north to cross the state line.


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