Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ball day

After settling into the weekend mode today has been less than productive as I'm fixated in front of the TV as the games unfold. This will be the drill until around 10:00 pm tonight.

I did make a trip to the office this morning and got to watch a fire drill in progress. Just as I was approaching the office I heard shots and Sue came running out of the office with phone in hand and began calling 911,  Jim jumped on the golf cart to track down the source. I reminded them of our proximity to the cemetery and suggested that there might be a military funereal in progress as it seemed to be three volleys of 7 shots each and sure enough it wasn't long before taps sounded and our rapid response team could relax.

I did see in the news today that there was a firefight up by the Falcon dam in Neuvo Guerrero on Friday morning. This is what Billy Bob heard and fortunately was the day after the Weavers went there. Sure glad the missed it.

Well it's back to the games and the weekend mode of enjoying the good life.


  1. Those Weavers sure know how to have fun, and when, too, eh? All they had to try to dodge was the wind. Hope you're well fortified today to withstand the rigors of those basketball marathons! Take a break tonight, get a good rest, and then prepare for another long day tomorrow watching the Super Bowl. Commercials this year are only $3.5.million. Good thing you don't have to advertise anymore, huh? You get more people coming to see you than you can possibly keep up with on a normal basis, anyway! Happy Ground Hog Day, did you see your shadow this morning? Too cloudy here.

    1. The Weavers did time it right.
      I am in marathon mode in front of the TV and it will carry on through tomorrow. A busy weekend around the TV.
      No groundhog sightings here.

  2. Oh for heavens sake. The Good Lord was watching over us. Thanks for the heads up. I want to put it on our next blog. Maybe not such a good idea for future visits.

  3. Smart, militay funerals do use rifles (firing blanks, hopefully).

    1. We count on blanks being used, at least that's what I want at the military funerals I go to.

  4. We were in a park once in Florida and we heard shots too. Right on the lake not far from the park were hunters. We didn't like them or their guns that close.

    1. I don't think being that close to hunters would be comfortable.

  5. We were in a KOA here in AZ and heard shots. A camper two spots over from us had gotten drunk and was cleaning his loaded gun. And I wonder why I'm not partial to KOAs.

  6. HA!! For some reason when I saw your post title, I was thinking there must be a dance at the clubhouse tonight!! Silly me - it's not even Valentine's Day yet....


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