Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jumped too soon.

In yesterdays blog I said I was going to go watch some Olympics after I posted the blog. Well little did I realize that the mornings scheduled event was women's two person synchronized swimming. I'm sure these ladies work very hard at their 'sport', but for the life of me I have difficulty even thinking of this as a sport. If this is a sport then it seems to me that ballet probably should be included also. This is just one of the many events that would be on my list of events to be eliminated from competition if they put me in charge. I would also like to see paid professionals eliminated from the games and to return the games to true amateur competition. I am now stepping off my soapbox and returning you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Today's activities are.....nothing. I have become pretty polished at handling this activity, but it still leads to enjoying the good life and that's what matters.


  1. I have to disagree with you on this one. Just try doing it sometime, and you'll see how hard it is, and requires great physical abilities. :)

    1. Judy, I don't disagree with you at all on the difficulty, but ballet is difficult also. The question in my mind is it an artistic or athletic event?

    2. So then, what about the gymnastics floor exercise or diving? Artistic or athletic?

    3. If I were to chose we would return to the original concept and any event that is subjectively graded (the ones you mentioned and some others)would be gone and we would return to the original Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for "Faster, Higher, Stronger". Over the years there has been too much controversy with graded events. Just my opinion.

    4. Very good point about subjective grading. I've enjoyed the mini discussion. :)

    5. Judy, an exchange of ideas is always a good thing. Thank you for your input.

  2. I'm with you on the paid pros, it takes away from the excitement knowing these people (like the US basketball Dream Team) make millions and compete against others that have to pay for their own training and expenses.

    Who really is the better athlete?

    1. I would like to return to the original Olympic format, the best amateurs in the world competing for the glory of the competition. Wouldn't that be interesting.

  3. I am with you Joe on eliminating professionals. We have too many great kids that want a chance to compete. The professionals should stick with what they do best...overcharging the public to see them ask like spoiled brats.

  4. Joe don't get Judy on your bad side she will open a can of that Whup-Ass on you.

    1. No one is trying to get anyone upset. This is just a discussion of views. Adults can do that you know.

  5. UM I think I will keep out of this.

    Glad you enjoyed the good life

  6. Your last paragraph seems to indicate you are a professional at enjoying the Good Life...not that that's a bad thing:))

  7. So tell us John are you a professional or an amateur and will your sport (enjoying the good life) be included when you are king?
    To add a little more discussion on "subjective" sports. They have computers today that can measure the diving, balance beam routines and many others. If they are going to leave them in then they should "measure" the sport with the computer if not then I'm with you, toss it out!

    1. I turned professional when I retired 5 years ago and began receiving money for enjoying the good life.


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