Friday, May 18, 2012

Waiting to see.

Today is sort of a do nothing day. I am in the waiting mode. Waiting to get an estimate on the damages to Mel, waiting for an adjuster who will be here first of the week, waiting for the laundry room to empty out so I can do the wash and most of all waiting for my ship to come in. I expect all of these events will happen except maybe the ship coming in part and with my luck if my ship does come in I will, no doubt, be at the airport.

Things are pretty quiet in the park. Most of the winter crew has headed for points north and the summer bunch hasn't arrived yet. Things will probably get hopping again over Memorial Day. Mostly the entertainment has been just sitting with Clay and Loren masticating the fat and solving the worlds problems. This is sometimes necessary when we are busy enjoying the good life.


  1. Sometimes it amazes me how busy we get as retireed old folk.

  2. If I unretired I don't think there would be enough time in the day for work.

  3. We also waiting for our ship to come in. But if it doesn't, we will take a canoe.

    1. That sounds like acceptable alternative transportation.

  4. We keep our ship (Inflatable Kayak) in the basement of the 5'er. Still a good way of Enjoying the Good Life.

    It's about time.

    1. It's starting to look like everyone's ship, but mine, has arrived.

  5. I'd rather have a "Land Yacht" than a ship anyway!!

  6. I always figured when my brothers ship came in I would have it made. Then I remembered I never had a brother. Oh well we just have to move on.


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