Friday, June 11, 2010

Heads up

Last night was an adventure in sleeping. At the recommendation of my doctor an attempt was made to sleep with my head in an elevated position allowing for proper draining of my newest wound.With my head elevated my body seemed to think it must be awake time, so at 2 am I was alert and ready for action. A move to the recliner was made and an attempt to sleep there was tried. Usually I have good results falling asleep in the recliner while watching TV, but last night was an exception, sleep would not come. So it was sit in the recliner and play on the computer until the dawns early light. Finally at 6 am my body decided some sleep was in order and off to the land of nod we went. On waking it was found that one eye was partially closed due to swelling and the other partially obscured by the bandage making focusing a challenge. With the bandage across the bridge of my nose and partially covering my eye I would think a faithful Indian companion, like Tonto, would be in order. Who is that masked man?

Today will be spent partially in the dark, some say this is every day, but there is still enough vision to enjoy the good life.

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