Monday, March 16, 2009


The last few days I've had company. Dave and Debbie, who were work campers at Elephant Butte, dropped by for a few days on their way to Florida. They were at Elephant Butte for 14 months and have a boat in Florida so right now they have itchy feet. They are going to be taking the boat to the Bahamas for awhile and then are heading to the Midwest before their next work camping assignment on Oregon in May 2010. While they were here we went to San Ygnacio and checked out the old town.

Dave and Debbie preparing to depart.

A sundial.

A really old building

A restored really old building.

An unrestored really old building.

These building all date to the 1870's

A sun stone.

Another restored building.

Partially restored.

Dave checking out the building.

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