Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Mel Goes to town
Mel and I pulled up stakes and went to Laredo today. Before we left Zapata we stopped and Mel filled up with petrol. I was happy to find since the last fillup Mel has averaged 10.8 miles to the gallon. About halfway to Laredo the highway switches from a two lane to a four lane divided highway. Shortly after getting on the four lane we came to a border patrol road check. There were fifteen border patrol cars and probably 30 agents, including a couple of dogs. Mel was sniffed and I was asked to prove citizenship and we were both cleared to go. Several cars had been pulled over for further inspection and several people were being detained, but we didn't have to do that. At Laredo we went to Wal-Mart to get rid of some excess money and they were more than happy to accomodate me. I also took time to get my Christmas haircut and then we came home. We should have plenty to eat for awhile.