Yesterday was the kind of day you would like to put in your rearview mirror and today isn't much better. We are currently at 48 degrees with winds around 20 miles per hour and an occasional sprinkle of rain. That is an improvement over yesterday where it rained all day amounting to two inches in my gauge and we had wind gusts to 50 miles per hour Here is what the weather radar looked like yesterday at 3 PM. Each of the arrows on the map is a storm cell, pick a direction, they were all over the place. One thing that did get a good testing yesterday was the weather radio. I had sirens going of every fifteen minutes all day long, sure made it hard to nap.
Seibert is the black cross just to the left of center.
Today , with the weather the way it is, will be another indoor day of watching the world go by with the furnace on high, enjoying the good life.
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