About 7:30 pm last night I had a knock on the door and it was Lisa, the park owner, telling me that the entire town was under an evacuation order. It seems that there was a fire in the towns grain elevator and the potential of a grain dust explosion had risen to the point where they had decided to evacuate everyone within a one half mile radius of the elevator. If you've ever seen pictures of a grain elevator explosion you understand why this was the prudent thing to do.
This was my view of the elevator from two thirds of a mile away.
One thing was learned last night. Mel can get underway in an emergency with the slides stowed, power and water disconnected and jacks raised in less than five minutes. We moved to the south side of I-70 and waited about 45 minutes until the all clear was given.
Today an attempt will be made to keep the excitement to a minimum while trying to enjoy the good life.
It's amazing how fast we can move when danger is in our face.